Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Another for Wednesday


Trée said...

Stacey, this one is just drop-dead gorgeous. Beautiful job. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. :-)

Dzeni said...

Great to see you back and in action. Did not realise how much I missed seeing your work until your most welcome return. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog :)

Stacey Whaley said...

Hi Trée,

Thanks so much for your compliment! This is a little late, but I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, too. :)

Stacey Whaley said...

Hi Dzeni,

It's good to be back. I guess I got kind of bored with Apophysis for a while. So I took a break and now I'm back into it again. It's kind of neat to see what I can come up with after having been gone from it.