Thursday, April 19, 2007




Dzeni said...

Brilliantly Beautiful! Love the symmetry, the "flower in the middle" and everything about this one. You've done it, and you've done it well.

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment, Dzeni!

runnerfrog said...

The Flower-Power X-Men! What a movie! :-)
I love your work. Excuse my humour. hihi.

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Froggie, your humor is OK by me. :) Would you believe me if I told you that I've never seen any of the X-Men movies? I'm out-of-the-loop!!

I love your work, too. I've never seen anyone make anything like yours. You are in a league of your own.