Sunday, December 11, 2005

I've Been Up to No Good

I've been making way too many fractals the past few days. On the weekends I stay up all hours of the night. Some day this obsession is sure to come to an end. But it's been going on for nine months now. I don't see any end in sight.


lysergia said...

Wow, fractal rampage! Nice work... what program(s) did you use for these?

Dzeni said...

Stunning work! I love the interconnecting "spherical" variants. You have certainly been busy!

Stacey Whaley said...

Hi Dzeni,

Yes, very busy! :) My husband says I'm obsessed. I think he's right. :D

Stacey Whaley said...

Thanks Lysergia,

These images are 100% Apophysis. Although soon I plan on trying out other pieces of software.

Trée said...

Wow, I don't even know where to start. Incredible production Stacey. You are producing images and designs so different from anything I've been able to do with Apophysis. And all so in-f*-credible! Wow!

psilocyburn said...

Amazing work here. I agree with everyone here...Very nice fractals!

Oliviah said...

Wow. That was awesome. What a treat this was...thank you!

TotalChaos said...

Wow, this is amazing, I have never gotten near anything like this work. Great!!!!!

Jen said...

Very nice! There's always cool stuff here!

stlbanjo said...

Wow, I just started making fractals and blogs. I decided to poke around to see other blogs about fractals (mine is a variety of things), but this was the first hit. I am very impressed with your work. It sets a very high bar while simultaneously opening the door of creative inspiration.

Dragon's Kin said...

Hey just opened another window in my mind...i love fractals too but your creations inspire new worlds, ideas and dimensions in my mind! (fractal)ROCK ON!

TotalChaos said...

Hey, I just found out you are pretty close to me. When are you going to put up some more of these fantastic works? MORE PLEASE!!!!!

Alexandra said...

Absolutely stunning!