Sunday, December 04, 2005

New Beginnings

Well, good news and bad news. I always start with the bad news first because it's best to end on a good note. So, here goes the bad news: David and I had to reformat the computer so I lost a lot of my fractals parameters. That means that some of my fractals won't ever be able to be manipulated or edited for printing. The good news is two-fold. At least I have the jpegs on this blog as a memory of what I created. The other good news: I think I've improved a little bit in my Apophysis work, so here's to new beginnings and new even better fractal images.

Moral of the story: back-up your artwork in case the computer crashes and you lose everything!


Trée said...

Stacey, sorry to hear about the computer. I had to learn the hard way a few years ago when my computer died along with everything on it. I now use an external one-touch hard drive just for the purpose of backing up. I touch one button, and it backs the drive up based on what has changed from the last backup. Usually takes about 10 minutes.

Another beautiful fractal. I don't see many that look like this one. Nice work!

Dzeni said...

This one is really lovely. Am sorry that you "lost" some of your earlier files. I have to say that your current work is on a totally new level.