Tuesday, September 05, 2006


ID# 060905-4


TotalChaos said...

Just gorgeous works here. I'll figure it out one of these days.

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Totalchaos, you're great. I love your comments. You always make me smile. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the colours of this one. Also, the way that you have part of it "in focus" and part a bit blurred is very attractive. Well done.

TotalChaos said...

Have a great get away, this weekend.

Jim said...

Total tickle, this color is so soft and lovely, so soothing and settling. This is a Pearl, a string of pearls in one piece, the stacato pearly endings of long movements gathering inwardly, the bursting outwardly by the upper forces, to drop pearl rain drops on the body of itself, so soft and inviting, tickles my eyes, and my brain, physically tickles my senses. I want to touch it back.

You are doing great stuff here young lady, keep it up, I am thoroughly taken and enjoying looking and commenting, being a critic, for such tremendous images.