Sunday, February 11, 2007

Spring Flowers on Saturn



John W Leys said...

I love this one.. it looks almost like foliage at the top.. and I love the rainbow colours.. good job!

Ash said...

Surreal....awesome colors!!

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Thanks, 'eliyahu! I thought I was satisified with the finished result of this fractal at an earlier stage, but then I changed the weights of the transforms and ended up with this, which I think looks better.

Ash, thanks!

TotalChaos said...

Great works. My favorite though is the red rope style below.

goatman said...

Looks like "spring flowers on saturn" to me. Methane-based creations to brighten the day.
I love the idea of communal fractals.
Perhaps we will end up with the ultimate expression! Thanks

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Thanks, TC. The parameters for that red one are open to tweaking, and are found on the FracFan forum. Help yourself and have some fun with them!

Intergalactic Stacey said...

Thank you, Goatman. I also like communal fractals. They have a great sense of community to them. I think of them as artistic collaborations!

I'm really having a lot of fun both making my own fractals and enjoying other people's. I don't know why I like them so much, some would even say "obsessed" with them. To me, they seem to express consciousness in a mathematical way.